university of maryland school of architecture master of architecture program



The following video was presented as slides to discuss "precedent" in terms of methodological underpinnings. The presentation began with a walk-through of three main terms: collaboration, pattern, topology. The topology section outlined philosophical and formal precedents which contribute to my working understanding of my approach to the praxis of the thesis. The discussion concluded with two examples of realized projects with similar program which seem to embody some of the qualitative aspects of the proposed research.

The title still goes by (but may change in the next 60 hours):

a topological study of an architecture of empowerment
The Connecticut Global Fuel Cell Center Research & Prototype Laboratory
Collinsville, Connecticut

1 comment:

Lisa LaCharite said...

Images are very compelling, especially in combination with one another. It was very tough for me to take it all in animated, but it was great to pause and search through and read. So I guess the question is, do you pose this as a video that is a "preview" and that you are meant to go through it like a book-- in which case maybe there should be more of an indication that is what to do. Otherwise, I see the appeal in not letting each image sit for too long, but maybe highlight text or images that give the viewer the best overall idea. Then the viewer can go through it to get all of the details. Like a billboard with one main image and a lot of mini-text and thumbnails. You might also like to delve into Ford production models. Their urban/cultural/social/economic impact and the use of the idea of many parts forming a whole and the direct translation of a production line into building. Just some thinking out loud.